The magazine that I looked at and used as reference was the RadioTimes (November 2015 issue.)
After looking at several articles based on a film I found that:
1. The title is always bigger than the writing itself
2. The sub heading is slightly smaller than the Heading but its still bigger than the main body.
3. The main body is written in columns and is used in a readable font like Helvetica and Times.
4. There are cut out images all over the page. Usually its the image of the film poster and its actors.
5. Quotes from the directors or the audience.
The first magazine, The author and the Typewriter, is about the movie called 'The Lady in the van.' This article has a subheading and columns of writing and paragraphs written on paper in a typewriter font. It includes images of the writer himself and actors from the film. Because most of the context within this article is written in a typewriter, there are many errors and hand written corrections. This gives its readers a few expectations of what the film could be about. On the other hand, the middle article, How we've changed, is about The Peep show and it has a simple format because the background is kept white and the writing is in columns making it look simple and clear to its viewers. In addition, there are only two pictures which both feature the actors. There are three quotes said by the actors and the article talks about how the show started and how it has now come to an end. Lastly, the 'This is my story' has 4 images, all in different sizes but cut out to fit the page. Moreover, the writing is placed in columns just like the other magazines and it includes quotes.
In relation to our short film, we plan on creating a review about mental issues. This is because our short film is about a paranoid character that doesn't know what's happening to him. He's more aware of his surrounding rather than himself and his well being. The audience never shows the stalker's face therefore when the audience watches it, we wanted them to question the film and make them question whether he's just hallucinating or if what he sees is real. What this article that I'll right about will touch upon people's experiences and how its a main issue that people should be aware of. Personally, I wanted to link our short film with mental issues because it's about a student aged 19 who is about to become part of the society and circulate the economy. There's stress, depression and suffering involved and its tough when they just transitioned from being a teenager to an adult. In the short film we don't know what his housing situation is like or if he's addicted to anything, which makes the audience question if these could affect his mind.