Sunday, 10 July 2016

Ideas for Short Film

Knowing that we only have the editing and evaluation left for our preliminary task, I have decided to give the final short film a thought. I wrote down some ideas for our final in a mind map format and this is what I came up with:

Our short film can be inspired by other short film makers or we can focus on certain genres like horror or comedy. It doesn't need to be a documentary, as it can be a story revolving around one person or an object. It can be a montage of shots thats ambiguous. It can be anything we want to show our audiences but if we decide to focus on one of these words, we can try to create something bigger and meaningful. Even if some of these words sounds vague, we can use camera and editing techniques to make that one word/ topic look interesting to the audience. We can show not tell. We can create a story that begins at the end. 

After discussing what everyone in my group would like to do, we have decided that we're going to establish and use our strong points to contribute in the production of our short film. Therefore, I am planning to do the screenplay for this project. This will include writing/ producing the script, instructing actors and scene directions. Once we have a solid plan of what our short film is going to be about, my next task would be creating a story then go location scouting and putting up an advert on Starnow for potential actors/ actresses but as a group we will create the storyboards and try to include a wide variety of shots which will tell the story in 5mins. In my group, Harry will be editing and Eddy will be doing the camera shots and audio. 

Thursday, 7 July 2016

Preliminary task - Audio

After attempting to add in the sound recordings that we did when we were filming, most of it did not sound right. For example, the background noise in the park was not long enough for the next couple of shots. In addition, the microphone mainly picked up wind and this did not help because you couldn't hear the birds chirping and the kids playing. We will record this when it is less windy and hopefully it'll be long enough for two shots.

Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Preliminary Task - Editing

For this preliminary task, Harry will be editing the footage we shot yesterday.

So far, he has put everything together in order and has cut down the irrelevant bits of the shot.

Next lesson, I will be adding the audio to these shots. 

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Preliminary Task - Update

Today we filmed most of our preliminary task but we had a few problems. For example, the cafe that we were going to film in was closed.

Because of this, we had to use the store next to it which was called Budgens and instead of buying a sandwich we bought a pastry inside a clear plastic bag. This looked good during the filming process and it was very resilient of us to just get things done no matter where it was as long as we had food. However, another problem that we came across was the fan shot. When we were storyboarding, we wanted to have a shot where Harry was about to eat his food whilst the fan would blow his hair and make it seem kind of holy and funny in a way. This didn't work out because the fan was not strong enough to blow his hair. In conclusion, I'm happy with the footage that we made and I think that the content and the shots that we took were varied and were all in focus.

We will be editing this next lesson.

Friday, 1 July 2016

Preliminary Task - Test Shots

Yesterday, our group took some test shots whilst following the storyboards we have made.

We will be filming the final preliminary task this Tuesday.