Our short film can be inspired by other short film makers or we can focus on certain genres like horror or comedy. It doesn't need to be a documentary, as it can be a story revolving around one person or an object. It can be a montage of shots thats ambiguous. It can be anything we want to show our audiences but if we decide to focus on one of these words, we can try to create something bigger and meaningful. Even if some of these words sounds vague, we can use camera and editing techniques to make that one word/ topic look interesting to the audience. We can show not tell. We can create a story that begins at the end.
After discussing what everyone in my group would like to do, we have decided that we're going to establish and use our strong points to contribute in the production of our short film. Therefore, I am planning to do the screenplay for this project. This will include writing/ producing the script, instructing actors and scene directions. Once we have a solid plan of what our short film is going to be about, my next task would be creating a story then go location scouting and putting up an advert on Starnow for potential actors/ actresses but as a group we will create the storyboards and try to include a wide variety of shots which will tell the story in 5mins. In my group, Harry will be editing and Eddy will be doing the camera shots and audio.
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