- Beginning, middle and end (most hollywood movies are like this)
- Open structure = ambiguous, leaves at a cliff hanger (E.g. Inception the movie) This leaves you thinking.
- Closed structure = clear conclusion (certain audiences like knowing what happened in the end)
- Circle Structure = Narrative begins at the end/ repeatition (Doodlebug by Christopher Nolan)
Non linear
- Time line jumps back and forth (E.g. Memento)
- A way of thinking about the narrative
- The belief that there is structure in all things
- It follows specific patterns
- Has meaning = creates effect
- First theorised by Ferdinand de Saussure
Roland Barthes
5 codes:
- The action code = meaning of specific words/ actions/ looks
- The enigma code = puzzles set up to be solved by the audience. Helps motivate someone to keep watching.
- The semic code = the connotations of a character/ object/ place
- The symbolic code = metaphor or figure of representation (E.g. Tombstone means death)
- The cultural code = connections to the world outside the text (E.g Westernised versions of certain cultures) Different cultures/ different understandings. It helps sell the movie abroad if they have certain cultures in it. (E.g. Transformer's climax scene) Different genres = different stereotypes
Binary Opposition
Focusing on the different side of opposite values which reveal the structure of the media texts.
Claude Levi-Strauss
Equilibrium Theory
Equilibrium: It is the setting established, key characters are introduced and the story is set up.
Disruption: oppositional characters appear and the story takes a particular direction.
Conflict: the lives of the characters and the events are interwoven.
Climax: highest point in tension where things begin to get sorted.
New equilibrium: Matters are sorted out and problems are solved.
'For the birds' Pixar short film (Example)
--> Equilibrium: Smalls birds land on Power line
--> Disruption: Small birds have a go at each other. Big bird appears then laughs at him.
--> Conflict: Big bird lands in the middle of the line of small birds.
--> Climax: Big bird dangles from the power line whilst the small birds try to make him fall. Big bird is left with one toe holding onto the power line then finally lets go.
--> New Equilibrium: All small birds are flown into the air leaving their feathers behind. Small birds are naked and Big bird laughs at them.
Vladimir Propp
Hero = Traditionally a male protagonist whose role it is to restore normality or equilibrium. He does this by debating the villain(s) and winning the love of the heroine.
Villain = The villain is the cause of the disruption and the enemy of the hero. The villain may also be a threat to the safety and the well being of the heroine.
Dispatcher = They send the hero on their journey to restore the equilibrium. They may also be the father figure of the heroine,sending the hero on a quest to see if he is worthy.
Donor = The donor gives the hero something to help him along his journey. This gift may be a piece of advice a skill or an object such as a weapon.
Helper = Assists the hero in restoring the equilibrium. May be a sidekick, with the hero throughout, or someone he meets along the way.
Heroine = Usually a passive and vulnerable character. Threatened by the villain and needing reusing by the hero.
False Hero = Initially seems to be on the side of the hero but turns against/ deceives him.
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